
Follow me as I take you through a 20-something's life in San Antonio, the Texas Hill Country, and the "Great State" in general. I'll talk about all the adventures Texas has to offer, how I managed to gain 10+ pounds on deeeelicious Mexican food, and so much more! I don't ever sit still and it makes for some pretty interesting stories!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 2 of My Challenge

It's official, I have resisted restaurant food for exactly 2 days! Last night was a bit of a challenge as Chris and I met for a drink after work. Generally, drinking triggers a desire to eat for me, so we went to a bar that doesn't serve food. This was an excellent idea on Chris' part, since I have zero ability to resist food-related temptations at this point! Since it was almost 7:30 when I got home, and I was so hungry, I made a quick panini with cajun roast beef, 1 slice of Weight Watchers cheese, and 2 slices of potato bread. I love potato bread because it toasts really well and is only 80 calories per slice. I added pita chips and a 100 calorie guacamole pack to complete my meal. It was delish!

I love my panini maker! There's nothing like turning a boring sandwich into something special!  

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