
Follow me as I take you through a 20-something's life in San Antonio, the Texas Hill Country, and the "Great State" in general. I'll talk about all the adventures Texas has to offer, how I managed to gain 10+ pounds on deeeelicious Mexican food, and so much more! I don't ever sit still and it makes for some pretty interesting stories!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's time to catch up!

Hello blog followers! I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post! A lot has happened since then, and I'm ready to share!

Let's see, I'll start with an unemployment re-cap: I am officially on my second full week of unemployment. What does that mean? I'm not getting $$ yet (boo!) but I'm staying home and loving it! So far, here's what I've accomplished:

1. A trip to Reno! It was fantastic, except for my 24 hour stomach virus...it was awful! I felt terrible for the housekeeping staff assigned to our room. One week later Chris, Robert, and Greg all got it too. I'm only taking 50% of the blame for passing the bug as I feel sure they were around when I caught it! Chris and the team (Robert, Greg, and the Watson parentals) bowled in the national bowling tournament, at the National Bowling Stadium. They did well, and it was great to watch them in such a HUGE place! 

Another treat on this trip was seeing our friend Shaun and his sweet family. His son Aiden turned 3 while we were there and we got to go to his bowling birthday party!

2. Other than vacationing, my time on unemployment has given me the opportunity to catch up with a few friends, have several delicious lunches with great people, go to Beeville (in the middle of the week!) and do all my projects around the house. So far, I have planted my garden, cleaned my car, caught up on housework, spruced up the backyard, and gone to the gym! Pictures of the garden to come. On a sour, unpleasant note: Rats have taken up residence at our residence! This is unacceptable and I hope those little rodents find their way into the poison that Bob Jenkins Pest Control set out today. Big shout out to Randy for starting the eradication process! Rats: if you're reading this, know that you ARE NOT WELCOME here!
3. Now, all that's left to do is: paint the bathroom, clean the carpets upstairs, organize the garage, stain and seal the deck, and paint the fireplace...whew! I think I work harder now than I did when I was working full-time! 

The job hunt continues daily...it gets tiring when there aren't any new jobs posted online and very irritating when I have to go across town to the unemployment office! My "re-employment officer" wasn't much help yesterday but at least my one-on-one is over! Now, I'll keep Googling, Monstering, and Indeeding until I find the perfect job! If you see anything that you think I need to know about, send it my way please. So, until I find full-time work (away from home) I'm going to continue to enjoy this time off, get my house fixed up, and visit with family and friends! Life is good, and I appreciate all of the support you all have given me so far. 

Last, but not least: Happy Easter! This Sunday let's celebrate with family and friends the sacrifice the Lord made for us!! We are blessed...enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it, great catching up and happy to hear you're not wasting your days in unemployment...
